Susanne Friess: Susanne Friess is producer, secretary and accountant of Just Films. She is passionate about developing Ideas for new films, is answering all questions about the production and agreements, is taking care of internal processes and all organizational topics. Besides of all she also likes setting of as an author – especially when it is about her favorite continent: Latin America. Four years she lived in Peru and therefore she always likes to travel to her “second home”. In Columbia, Brazil, Guatemala and Mexico she also feels like being at home. The debate with social and political topics is an important concern for the former development aid worker. The medium film is offering perfect opportunities to tell stories in a very close way!
Das sind Ihre Ansprechpartner bei Just Films:
Just Films Team – Susanne Friess
Just Films Team – Ralph Weihermann
Ralph Weihermann: I am journalist and film producer in Cologne. With my longtime experience as owner of the partner company “Kigali-Films” I will set journalistic accents – as author and producer, but also in the technical implementation of your film project. In my twenty-year-experience, I mainly worked for public-law broadcasters and I often have dealt with companies in a critical way. Thereby I have realized how catching the glimpse behind the scenes can be. The cinematic implementation of innovative ideas and concepts is an exciting challenge for me, which we want to face together with you.
Just Films Team – Alexej Getmann
Alexej Getmann: The computer is striking? Last minute changes in editing? We urgency need a camera man for the next shoot in Burkina Faso? No Problem! Alex, our technical “Jack of all trades” is flexible. Therefore, sometimes we forget that he is doing all this only additionally. Because actually, he is an author. The media scholar has learnt his skills among other things at Kölncampus and Giessener Allgemeinen Zeitung. Diverse inputs for radio, print and TV prove that he has learnt it in a good way.
Just Films Team – Eva Beyer
Eva Beyer: Evas eyes and ears are always open – it doesn’t matter of which topic we’re talking about, there’s always coming an “Recently I met someone, who is dealing with exactly this…”. Therefore, Eva is always informed perfectly and permanently has new ideas. She is following up these ideas enthusiastically and is sparing no pains. She always asks the right questions – whether it has to be in English, French or Spanish.
Just Films Team – Julian Barth
Julian Barth: I have absolved my education as digital media designer in various productions for private and public-law broadcaster. I work as a camera man, since 2010 also in the audio-visual documentary sector. My first experiences of shoots abroad I experienced with our partner company “Kigali-Films” in Columbia and Ethiopia. I am looking forward to realize your visual ideas!